November News

Winter is Coming!
For many, the thought of shorter days, bad weather and all the awful news we keep hearing, the coming months do not hold much promise. I always try to set my mind on the positives - the cosiness of a blanket on the sofa, a hot cup of tea and some good films; wearing woolly sweaters and boots, scented candles burning, all the Hygge, and I've been avoiding the news!! I'm looking forward to time with family, crisp autums days, slow cooked stews, and some sparkly party wear. We've set rules for our Christmas - nothing extravagant, all hands on deck to help with catering and entertaining. I'm discovering as I get older that I look forward to seeing the people and making memories, not so much the things.( Not so easy when you have little ones, but with some creativity and imagination, everyone can be kept happy.)
We will keep the classes full of interesting and challenging formats, new music and moves and we have added our new format, "Stretch" which is just what we need to keep strong and supple.
We are hosting another Friends and Family week 21-28 November. Bring your friends for a free class - no strings attached, we just want to share the joy!
I've been busy updating the timetable for the coming months. Keep and eye on our booking platform, Punchpass via the "Book a Class" tab, for any changes. Some of our halls close for the holidays, so we have an amended timetable. We try to offer at least one class every day - except the obvious holiday ones!
The Christmas party this year will be a change from the usual 3 course meal and dancing at a venue, instead we decided that all we really need is some great tunes, a dance floor and our friends, so come and join us at Chinnor Community Pavillion on Saturday 3 December. Tickets are £6. All details are on PunchPass.
Finally the Saturday morning class on Christmas Eve will be in Haddenham Village Hall as Lord Bill's is shut. This is always such a fun time. It's a chance to dress up, dance to all your old favourite routines and laugh with all your Jazzy family. We will send you home full of mince pies and energy!
As always, get in touch if you have any questions.
Janey 07739 186231