February 2023

With Valentines Day in the middle of the month, we are focused on moving with love throughout February.
It's a great time to build on the foundations we set in January (if yours are a bit wobbly, don't worry, it's never too late to get started!) Let's think about some self love. There are many reasons to come to class, to get fitter, stronger, lose weight, but by far the most often cited reason, is our mental health. It's time out from chores and work, to look after ourselves, physically and mentally. Just a hour to connect with your body, check in and see how everything is working and to be grateful for what our bodies are capable of doing.
You don't need to compare yourself to anyone else in class, we are all on our own fitness journey. If you need to modify something, that's fine. You can always ask your instructor for ideas on how to work around any niggles or long term injuries. Want to challenge yourself further and take your work out to the next level? Push the intensity, use your arms more, get lower in your plie, there's always a way to make it harder!
We love that classes have such a mixture of ages and abilities. It's truely something very special and precious.
Watch out for a few modifications to the timetable over half term week as venues shut and a couple of instructors are away. Punchpass, the booking platform, is always up to date with the classes running.
Enjoy heading towards the Spring!